If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now


"If I can see farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants."

- Sir Isaac Newton, 1675

One Day.png

One day at a time

His mercies are new every morning

- Lamentations 3:23


Sugar Sugar

Simple carbohydrates or simple sugars known as disaccharides are found in our least healthy foods. Such as sodas, chips, cakes, candy, and well you get the idea. These simple carbohydrates rapidly break down into glucose. So quickly in fact, we may get a “sugar rush” or burst of energy. That almost sounds like a good thing.



There are many different types of enzymes, okay, thousands of enzymes. Each enzyme has a particular function. When enzymes are at their optimum temperature and pH, they can build something up, that is to say, synthesize it. These are the metabolic enzymes. Digestive enzymes will break larger molecules down into something the body can use. Some enzymes come directly from the foods we eat. With so many different types of enzymes, how does our body know how to use them?